If like me you use Linux+ OpenOffice at home but are forced to use Microsoft Office at work/ school, you may want to install Microsoft fonts on your Linux machine. This will ensure that a document created in MS Word will look like it's supposed to in OpenOffice. Web browsing will also be a lot smoother as most, if not all, websites are designed with MS fonts in mind.
To get MS fonts you will need to install a package called msttcorefonts. The package contains the following font types:
To install on Ubuntu, you need to first enable the 'Universe' repository. Once you have done that, go ahead and type the following into your terminal:
Install Microsoft Fonts in Ubuntu
$sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
To see the changes you will need to refresh the fonts cache, use the following command:
$sudo fc-cache -fv
If there are any other fonts you wish to install that aren't included in this package, all you have to do is copy the font files to the ~/.fonts/ directory. Enjoy.
Perth is over-represented on StackOverflow too, with 3 of the 20 highest rep users being from Perth (Pax, Mitch Wheat and myself).